Recovery | Off The Streets
HER Cincinnati's Off the Streets program guides women on a pathway to reclaim their lives through our trauma-informed addictions recovery services, open to all women in the greater CIncinnnati community and specializing in treatment for surviors of human trafficking in our award-winning program.
Over the past 17 years, HER Cincinnati has built pathways to safety and sobriety for more than 1,500 survivors of human trafficking. In a recent evaluation of our recovery services, clients shared: “Staff has been where we’ve been and they get us,” “opens new doors, second chances, gives hope for the future,” “This is a place to call home and start over.” Between 2016 and 2019, Off the Streets was evaluated by a government research entity [1] and is now frequently sought out by other organizations seeking guidance in establishing services. Over the past five years (2018-22), 384 unduplicated clients participated in Off the Streets. Of this total, 279 clients (72%) achieved stable housing after program graduation.
[1] In 2016, Off the Streets was awarded one of 13 three-year demonstration grants by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Trafficking in Persons. An evaluation of the programs was conducted by the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation and can be accessed through this citation: Hardison Walters, J. L., Krieger, K., Tibaduiza, E., Sheppard, M., and Kolnik, J. (2021). Evaluation of the Domestic Victims of Human Trafficking Program: Final report. Report # 2021-58, Washington, DC: Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
Outpatient Substance Abuse Services
In addition to inpatient services, Off the Streets also offers comprehensive outpatient treatment services to women struggling with addiction and specializes in issues related to the traumas of human trafficking. We guide women toward safety, recovery, empowerment, and community reintegration.

Services Offered:
• Support and recovery services
• Emergency Needs
• Medical Care
• Mental Health Services
• Substance Abuse Services
• Education Services
• Employment Services
• Family Services
• Education and Support Groups
• Recovery and Empowerment
• Stable & Safe Housing